AppleScript Examples
The following scripts, widgets, and applications, are AppleScript-based solutions for creativly solving common problems and tasks, and are posted as editable examples of AppleScript's many abilities and uses.
Post iTunes URL to Social Networks

Have you ever found a track, artist, or podcast on the iTunes Store you wanted to share with your friends on Twitter and Facebook? Now it's so easy! The Post iTunes URL to Social Networks scripts make it simple.
Dashboard Widget

The QwikFolder Dashboard widget uses AppleScript to quickly open many of the special folders in Mac OS X, such as the Shared Items folder.
Mighty Mouse Script Menu

The Mighty Mouse Script Menu utility will present a list of the items in the user's Scripts folder for the frontmost application, when a pre-assigned mouse control is activated.
Browse Full Screen Script

A toolbar script that instantly zooms the current Finder window to display full-screen, in Flow View mode, and with the Dock hidden. Click the toolbar script again to return to normal.
Launch Scripts from Links

Create AppleScript applets that respond to links embedded in webpages displayed on the user's computer.
Applet Bundle Tools

A set of scripts for setting application parameters for AppleScript bundle applications.
Database Publishing Demo

Ad Builder is an application that demostrates how to automate the transfering of images and text from databases to tagged page layout templates.
Add Image Slides Droplet

An easy drag-and-drop way to add narrated image slides to a Keynote presentation.
Auto-Backup on Import

MainStage/GarageBand Controller

The MainStage-GarageBand Controller is a set of controls, added to a ManiStage concert layout, that controls the loading and playback of GarageBand projects used as a backing band.
Account Switcher

The Account Switcher applet provides an easy one-click method for qucikly switching between user accounts.
Quick Look Tools

The Quick Viewer applet and the Quick Look Droplet are easy-to-use presentation tools that use the new Quick Look feature in Mac OS X to display items.
Self-Presenting Presentation

The Self-Presenting Presentation uses AppleScript and the built-in Speech technology of Mac OS X to automatically present Keynote slideshows while speaking the presenter notes and performing slide builds and advances.
Publish for Approval

Finally, a no-hassle, easy way to for customers to approve images remotely over the internet. With a single button-click, you can web-publish selected Aperture images and know exactly which ones the customer wants to use — with their choices automatically displayed for you in Aperture!
Aperture-InDesign Integration

Enhanced AppleScript support in Aperture 2.0.1 combines with Mac OS X functionality to provide a new level of interactivity with page-layout applications such as Adobe InDesign CS3. For the first time, Aperture preview images can be easily placed into another application's document while maintaining direct links to the related master images in the Aperture library. Placed previews can be updated as needed and even replaced with high-resolution exports in preparation for offset or direct-to-plate printing.
Aperture Caption Palette

The Aperture Caption Palette is a resizable window that floats over the full-screen display of your selected images, allowing instant access and input to both the displayed image's caption and ratings data. Simply select the images to process, launch the Caption Palette application and you're ready to go!