Number to Text Manipulations

Scripts often convert numeric data to text data in order to display information to the user. Most of the time this conversion can be accomplished simply by using the coercion handler as, like in the following example:

12 as string
--> Returns: "12"

However, some numeric values are displayed in scientific notation. For example, 1234000000 is displayed by a script as 1.234E+9

When this value is coerced to text it becomes: "1.234E+9"

The following sub-routine will convert any number to a string of numeric characters. This sub-routine is used by the other sub-routines on this page which also manipulate numeric data.

Number to String

An easy-to-use sub-routine, just pass the number to convert to text as the passed parameter value in the sub-routine call:

--> returns: "872124243234"

Here's the sub-routine:

Click to open example in the Script Editor applicationA sub-routine that converts numeric values to strings:

on number_to_string(this_number)
 set this_number to this_number as string
 if this_number contains "E+" then
 set x to the offset of "." in this_number
 set y to the offset of "+" in this_number
 set z to the offset of "E" in this_number
 set the decimal_adjust to characters (y - (length of this_number)) thru ¬
 -1 of this_number as string as number
 if x is not 0 then
 set the first_part to characters 1 thru (x - 1) of this_number as string
 set the first_part to ""
 end if
 set the second_part to characters (x + 1) thru (z - 1) of this_number as string
 set the converted_number to the first_part
 repeat with i from 1 to the decimal_adjust
 set the converted_number to ¬
 the converted_number & character i of the second_part
 on error
 set the converted_number to the converted_number & "0"
 end try
 end repeat
 return the converted_number
 return this_number
 end if
end number_to_string

Comma Delimit a Number

This sub-routine will comma delimit a numeric value and convert it to text.

--> returns: "872,124,243,234"

NOTE: this sub-routine uses the number_to_sring() sub-routine shown above. Be sure to add it to your script as well.

Here's the sub-routine:

Click to open example in the Script Editor applicationA sub-routine that delimits numbers with commas:

on comma_delimit(this_number)
 set this_number to this_number as string
 if this_number contains "E" then set this_number to number_to_text(this_number)
 set the num_length to the length of this_number
 set the this_number to (the reverse of every character of this_number) as string
 set the new_num to ""
 repeat with i from 1 to the num_length
 if i is the num_length or (i mod 3) is not 0 then
 set the new_num to (character i of this_number & the new_num) as string
 set the new_num to ("," & character i of this_number & the new_num) as string
 end if
 end repeat
 return the new_num
end comma_delimit

Round and Truncate

This sub-routine will round and truncate a numeric value and convert it to text. To use, pass the numeric value and the number of desired decimal places as the passed parameters.

round_truncate(1.04575, 3)
--> returns: "1.046"

NOTE: this sub-routine uses the number_to_sring() sub-routine shown above. Be sure to add it to your script as well.

Here's the sub-routine:

Click to open example in the Script Editor applicationA sub-routine that will round and truncate a passed number:

on round_truncate(this_number, decimal_places)
 if decimal_places is 0 then
 set this_number to this_number + 0.5
 return number_to_text(this_number div 1)
 end if

 set the rounding_value to "5"
 repeat decimal_places times
 set the rounding_value to "0" & the rounding_value
 end repeat
 set the rounding_value to ("." & the rounding_value) as number

 set this_number to this_number + rounding_value

 set the mod_value to "1"
 repeat decimal_places - 1 times
 set the mod_value to "0" & the mod_value
 end repeat
 set the mod_value to ("." & the mod_value) as number

 set second_part to (this_number mod 1) div the mod_value
 if the length of (the second_part as text) is less than the decimal_places then
 repeat decimal_places - (the length of (the second_part as text)) times
 set second_part to ("0" & second_part) as string
 end repeat
 end if

 set first_part to this_number div 1
 set first_part to number_to_text(first_part)
 set this_number to (first_part & "." & second_part)

 return this_number
end round_truncate

Adding Descriptive Suffix

The following sub-routine will add "st", "nd", "rd", or "th" to the end of a number.

--> returns: "24th"

Here's the sub-routine:

Click to open example in the Script Editor applicationA sub-routine for adding a descriptive suffix to the end of a numeric string:

on add_numeric_suffix(this_num)
 set this_num to this_num as string
 if this_num ends with "11" or this_num ends with "12" or this_num ends with "13" then
 set the list_index to 1
 set the list_index to (this_num mod 10) + 1
 end if
 set the num_suffix to item list_index of {"th", "st", "nd", "rd", "th", "th", "th", "th", "th", "th"}
 return (this_num & num_suffix)
end add_numeric_suffix

Here's an example script using the sub-routine:

Click to open example in the Script Editor applicationA script demonstrating the use of the sub-routine:

set this_list to {"Sal", "Carl", "Bob", "Sue", "Wanda"}
repeat with i from 1 to the count of this_list
 display dialog "The " & add_numeric_suffix(i) & " person in the list is " & (item i of this_list) & "."
end repeat

Adding Leading Zeros

The following sub-routine will place leading zeros (0001, 023, etc.) before a number.

There are two passed parameters: the number to add leading zeros to, and the maximum number of leading zeros to add.

For example, if the maximum number of leading zeros is set to 2, then the results will range from 001 to 999. If the maximum number of leading zeros is 3, then the results will range from 0001 to 9999, and so on.

Click to open example in the Script Editor applicationA sub-routine for adding leading zeros to numbers:

on add_leading_zeros(this_number, max_leading_zeros)
 set the threshold_number to (10 ^ max_leading_zeros) as integer
 if this_number is less than the threshold_number then
 set the leading_zeros to ""
 set the digit_count to the length of ((this_number div 1) as string)
 set the character_count to (max_leading_zeros + 1) - digit_count
 repeat character_count times
 set the leading_zeros to (the leading_zeros & "0") as string
 end repeat
 return (leading_zeros & (this_number as text)) as string
 return this_number as text
 end if
end add_leading_zeros