Workshop Session Summary

Congratulations. You’ve completed the process of creating digital publications using the automation tools of OS X.


  1. You installed a set of Automator service workflows that use text selected in documents or windows as input for Text to EPUB action in OS X.
  2. Using the newly installed services, you created both a simple formatted digital document, and a multi-chapter book containing images and audio files.

In short, you’ve discovered that the power and abilities of automation in OS X is available for you use. If you find yourself thinking “I wonder if there’s a better way to do this?” then it’s time to consider using automation.

What’s Next?

If you found this workshop useful, and want to learn more about Automator, AppleScript, Services, and the automation abilities of OS X, you can:

  1. Sign up for another workshop! Especially the Sharing Workshop, which examines in a hands-on way, how to share content in local environments using the built-in technologies of OS , such as AirDrop, Public Folder file sharing, and Personal WebSharing.
  2. Try out the Mac 101 Automator tutorial
  3. Watch this short movie about Automator.
  4. Watch this short movie about Services.
  5. Visit MACOSXAUTOMATION.COM, a website dedicated to information about the automation technologies of Mac OS X.