Adding Numeric Callout Images

If your work involves creating documentation, you’ll appreciate this set of scripts for automating the process of adding numeric callouts to an image.

The “Add Callout Layer” script displays the contents of your folder containing the callout images in a file picker dialog. Select an image from the picker and it will be placed in a new layer in the currently open Pixelmator image. The other provided scripts will automate the scaling of the selected callout layer, and the reordering of the selected callout layers alphabetically.


DOWNLOAD a zip archive (84mb) containing the Pixelmator example images, and the folder of example AppleScript script files. Place the folder of callout images named “Callouts” in the Shared folder (Users > Shared). Put the folder of script named “Numeric Callouts” in the Pixelmator Scripts folder.

The AppleScript Scripts

Here are the AppleScript scripts that automates the process of importing the callout images, scaling them, and re-ordering the selected callout layers by name.

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

property folderName : "Callouts"
property sourceDirectory : path to "sdat" -- Shared folder
(* path to pictures folder *)
(* path to documents folder *)
(* path to public folder *)

set imagesFolderHFSpath to (sourceDirectory as string) & folderName

tell application id "com.pixelmatorteam.pixelmator.x"
 if not (exists document 1) then error number -128
 set imagesFolder to imagesFolderHFSPath as alias
 set chosenImageFile to choose file of type "public.image" with prompt "Select image to import:" default location imagesFolder
 set imageFileInfo to the info for chosenImageFile
 set nameExtenstion to the name extension of the imageFileInfo
 set chosenImageFileName to the displayed name of the imageFileInfo
 set layerName to text 1 thru -((length of nameExtenstion) + 2) of chosenImageFileName
 tell front document
 make new image layer with properties {file:chosenImageFile, preserve transparency:true, constrain proportions:false, name:layerName}
 end tell
 on error errorMessage number errorNumber
 if errorNumber is not -128 then
 display alert (errorNumber as string) message errorMessage
 end if
 end try
end tell

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

tell application id "com.pixelmatorteam.pixelmator.x"
 if not (exists document 1) then error number -128
 tell front document
 tell current layer of it
 set height to (height div 2)
 set width to (width div 2)
 end tell
 end tell
 on error errorMessage number errorNumber
 if errorNumber is not -128 then
 display alert (errorNumber as string) message errorMessage
 end if
 end try
end tell

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

tell application id "com.pixelmatorteam.pixelmator.x"
 if not (exists document 1) then error number -128
 tell front document
 set selectedLayers to the selected layers of it
 if selectedLayers is {} then error "Please select the layers to rearrange by name."
 set layerNames to {}
 repeat with i from 1 to the count of selectedLayers
 set the end of layerNames to the name of item i of selectedLayers
 end repeat
 set sortedLayerNames to my sortListOfStrings(layerNames)
 set sortedLayerNames to the reverse of sortedLayerNames
 repeat with i from 1 to the count of sortedLayerNames
 set thisLayerName to item i of sortedLayerNames
 set thisLayer to layer thisLayerName
 move thisLayer to before layer 1
 end repeat
 end tell
 on error errorMessage number errorNumber
 if errorNumber is not -128 then
 display alert (errorNumber as string) message errorMessage
 end if
 end try
end tell

on sortListOfStrings(sourceList)
 -- sorts a passed AppleScript list of strings
 -- create a Cocoa array from the passed AppleScript list
 set the CocoaArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithArray:sourceList
 -- sort the Cocoa array
 set the sortedItems to CocoaArray's sortedArrayUsingSelector:"localizedStandardCompare:"
 -- return the Cocoa array coerced to an AppleScript list
 return (sortedItems as list)
end sortListOfStrings