Overlay Image Descriptions
Many images marked for public distribution or used by wire services contain descriptions as part of the embedded image metadata. For example, the images in the Wind Power galleries hosted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are saved with description metadata.
The AppleScript script will extract the embedded IPTC description from the image and create a next text layer placed over a corresponding shape layer background. The color picker dialog will appear from which you can select the back ground color for the backing shape. TIP: use the eye drpper tool in the color picker to select a color form the image!
DO THIS ► | DOWNLOAD a zip archive (84mb) containing the Pixelmator example images, and the example AppleScript script file. |
The AppleScript Script
Here is the AppleScript script that automates the process of extracting the description metadata from the image and placing it over the image.
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
property backgroundShapeOpacity : 70
property defaultBackgroundColor : {6425, 6425, 6425}
tell application id "com.pixelmatorteam.pixelmator.x"
tell the front document
set imageDescription to the caption of the document info of it
if imageDescription is "" then
display dialog "This images does not have a description." & return & return & "Would you like to use placeholder text instead?" with icon 2
set imageDescription to "Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum."
end if
set the docWidth to the width of it
set the docHeight to the height of it
set hypot to (the docWidth ^ 2 + docHeight ^ 2)
if docWidth = docHeight then
set fontSize to hypot div docWidth
else if docWidth > docHeight then
set fontSize to hypot div docWidth
set fontSize to hypot div docHeight
end if
set fontSize to fontSize div 100
set descriptionOffset to docWidth div 10
set textLayerWidth to docWidth - descriptionOffset * 2
set textLayer to make new text layer with properties {text content:imageDescription, width:textLayerWidth, name:"Description"}
tell textLayer
tell its text content
set font to "Helvetica"
set size to fontSize
end tell
set horizontal alignment to left
set textLayerHeight to height of it
set position to {descriptionOffset, docHeight - textLayerHeight - descriptionOffset}
end tell
set shapeLayerWidth to docWidth - descriptionOffset
set shapeLayer to make new rounded rectangle shape layer with properties {width:shapeLayerWidth, name:"Description Background", height:textLayerHeight + descriptionOffset div 1.5} at beginning of shape layers
set fill color of styles of shapeLayer to defaultBackgroundColor
set opacity of shapeLayer to backgroundShapeOpacity
set shapeLayerHeight to height of shapeLayer
set position of shapeLayer to {descriptionOffset div 2, docHeight - shapeLayerHeight - descriptionOffset div 1.5}
move textLayer to before layer 1
move shapeLayer to after layer 1
set fill color of styles of shapeLayer to choose color default color defaultBackgroundColor
end tell
end tell