Image Captions from Spreadsheet
If creating marketing materials for use in multiple countries and languages is an essential element of your work, you’ll totally understand how useful this multi-app automation is.
In this example, a Numbers spreadsheet contains an image caption translated into dozens of languages. An AppleScript script iterates the spreadsheet rows and replaces the caption in the open Pixelmator Pro image with a translated caption, and then exports the resulting image to a destination folder previous chosen by the user. This process is repeated until all rows in the spreadsheet have been processed.
DO THIS ► | DOWNLOAD a zip archive (14mb) containing the Pixelmator template image, the Numbers spreadsheet, and the example AppleScript script file. |
The AppleScript Script
Here is the AppleScript script that automates the process of inserting the image captions from the spreadsheet into the Pixelmator image and exporting.
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
property headlineLayerName : "Headline"
tell application id ""
if not (exists document 1) then error number -128
tell front document
tell active sheet
if not (exists table 1) then error "The current spreadsheet does not include a table."
tell table 1
set languageNames to the formatted value of cells 2 thru -1 of column 1
set the translatedHeadlines to the formatted value of cells 2 thru -1 of column 2
end tell
end tell
end tell
set destinationDirectory to (choose folder with prompt "Select the folder in which to place the exported images:")
end tell
tell application "Pixelmator Pro"
if not (exists document 1) then error "No document is open in Pixelmator Pro."
tell front document
if not (exists text layer headlineLayerName) then
error "The text layer “" & headlineLayerName & "” is not in the Pixelmator Pro document."
end if
set documentName to the name of it
if documentName ends with ".pxd" then
set documentName to text 1 thru -5 of documentName
end if
tell text layer headlineLayerName
set defaultFont to the font of it
set defaultText to the text content of it
end tell
set imageCount to the count of languageNames
repeat with i from 1 to the imageCount
-- Set the headline
set thisLanguage to item i of languageNames
set thisHeadline to item i of translatedHeadlines
set the text content of text layer headlineLayerName to thisHeadline
-- Adjust the font as needed
if thisLanguage is "Simplified Chinese (CH)" then
set font of text layer headlineLayerName to "PingFangSC-Light"
else if thisLanguage is "Traditional Chinese (TA)" then
set font of text layer headlineLayerName to "PingFangTC-Light"
else if thisLanguage is "Japanese (J)" then
set font of text layer headlineLayerName to "HiraginoSans-W1"
else if thisLanguage is "Korean (KH)" then
set font of text layer headlineLayerName to "AppleSDGothicNeo-Light"
else if thisLanguage is "Thai (TH)" then
set font of text layer headlineLayerName to "Thonburi-Light"
set font of text layer headlineLayerName to defaultFont
end if
-- Export the image
set exportFilename to documentName & "-" & thisLanguage & ".jpg"
set targetHFSpath to (destinationDirectory as string) & exportFilename
export for web to file targetHFSPath as JPEG
-- Show notification for export
set notificationTitle to "Image Export (" & (i as string) & "/" & imageCount & ")"
display notification exportFilename with title notificationTitle subtitle thisLanguage
end repeat
-- reset the headline layer
set the text content of text layer headlineLayerName to defaultText
set the font of text layer headlineLayerName to defaultFont
end tell
end tell
-- Show the exported results
tell application "Finder"
open destinationDirectory
select the first item of destinationDirectory
end tell
on error errorMessage number errorNumber
if errorNumber is not -128 then
tell current application
display alert "ERROR" message errorMessage buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
end tell
end if
end try